Our Discord offers:

We have Evil Radio with four Stations on our Server.

  • Meshup
  • Pop/Rap
  • Sommer 
  • Oldie

TruckyBot allows us to embed live traffic data on our Server. From all TMP Servers. It can also use different Radio Stations.

Always up to date with:

  • Freight
  • KM
  • Travel time
  • etc.

We have a completely dedicated Convoy Category for our Convoys. (╠ 🚚🚚 KONVOI [DE / EN])

You can find everything there.

  • Line-up
  • Tour dates
  • Registration
  • Announcements
  • Event Calendar 
  • The voice channels 

We offer a Ticket System that also allows you to invite us to your convoy or event!

To do this, proceed as follows:
1. Confirm rules
2. Go to: ╠ 🚚🚚 KONVOI [DE / EN]  > registration-tickets
3. Open your ticket at: Invitation to Events